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DCP 1.0kg Fire Extinguisher

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The DCP 1.0kg Fire Extinguisher (Firemate) is suitable for Class A, B or C fires, or a combination of these types. All extinguishers supplied conform to the minimum fire ratings as specified in SANS 1910.

Height: 330mm
Diameter: 80mm
Mass empty: 0.8kg
Mass full: 1.8kg
Charge: >6sec
Working pressure: 1400kPa
Test pressure: 2100kPa
Burst pressure: >5500kPa
Safety valve: +/- 2200kPa

Dry Chemical portable fire extinguishers are the most widely used of all types of extinguishers.

Safequip’s range of stored pressure dry chemical powder extinguishers is suitable for class A (combustible materials), class B (flammable or combustible liquids) and/or class C (electrical) fires or a combination of ABC class fires. All the extinguishers supplied conform to the minimum fire ratings as specified in SANS 1910:2009.

They are highly effective for electrical hazards. This multi-purpose extinguisher interferes with the combustion process and provides rapid fire knock down. They are ideal for mixed fire risk environments and especially suited for protection for liquids, storage of liquid gases and heating oils used for industry, garages and workshops.

Dry chemical powders have been developed over a period of thirty years and can be supplied as Alpha Dynaflo (SABS grade 3A/5B) an ultra-high performance product or in various grades down to our alpha megaflop 40% which carries a 2A/2B rating. The powders are siliconised for superior flow and anti-caking. Operating heads are made of brass with either zinc or chrome plating; steel epoxy coated carrying handle and discharge lever, fitted with safety relief valve and pressure gauge. Extinguishers of 4.5kg and bigger are fitted with a high pressure discharge hose and discharge nozzle which locates onto a L-shape nozzle holder fixed to the foot ring of the extinguisher.


The DCP 1.0kg Fire Extinguisher (Firemate) is suitable for Class A, B or C fires, or a combination of these types.


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